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Clinical Musician Training Program
International Society of Folk Harpers and Craftsmen, Inc. (ISFHC)
Great Lakes Harpers (GLH)
Madison Folk Harp Society (MadHarpers)
The Harp Column; has all kinds of harp info
The HarpMall; an amazing amount of harp info
The Harp Page; no longer being updated, but still has good, albeit old, information
Celtic Music Association (of Madison, WI)
Folk Book Index
Oasis CD & Cassette Duplication, Rolliana's recording manufacturer
HarpNet--Everything about Irish Harp, including Cuirt Chruitireachta, the Harp Summer School of Cairde na Cruite at Termonfeckin, Ireland
Janet Harbison's Harp Summer Schools at The Irish Harp Centre in Castle Connell, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Dragonflower, Homepage of Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher
Harp Crossing, Homepage of Harper Tasche
Son Greg Scheckler, Artist/Art Professor
Daughter-in-Law Laura Christensen, Artist/Art Teacher
MadMara CafePress Store by Daughter Mara Scheckler, Graphic Artist and Advertising Designer
Rolliana's CafePress Store